Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: Access a complete Virtual PC with Chrome, Java, Firefox, OpenOffice, Dropbox...
★ CHROME and in-Browser JAVA now available ★ Imagine having a computer inside your Android device: AlwaysOnPC is your own personal ‘virtual PC’ where can run FIREFOX or CHROME browsers with FLASH and JAVA, a full OFFICE SUITE, Integrated DROPBOX, & more right on your Android device.
This product is a one-time perpetual license to AlwaysOnPC for a single user with no recurring fees.
(Note: we do not support sound or full motion video yet)
★★★★★ WARNING BEST APP EVER!!! ALL OPTOMUS V USERS NEED TO GET!!! AWESOME!!!-by nathanial July 8, 2011
★★★★★ Un-fing-believeable! This is hands down THE BEST app. This just opens so many doors! Awesome!-by- July 3, 2011
★★★★★ It's wonderful its like I'm on a real computer-by Chrissy December 22, 2010
Do everything you can do on your Laptop on your Android device with this amazing app:
✔ OpenOffice suite: open, edit, save Word Excel & Powerpoint with Great Microsoft Office compatibility
✔ FireFox 3.5.10 with Flash support (no sound or streaming yet) – with tabs, toolbars & add-ons
✔ Chrome(in Beta) with web store and fully synchronized browsing (no sound or streaming yet)
✔ Java (in beta): Games like PartyPoker, or productivity sites like, QuickBooks online, and more!
✔ Full Adobe Reader PDF viewer with forms, Markup/annotations, search & goto-page features
✔ Edit, crop and retouch photos such as GIF, JPEG, TIFF and more with the included image editing program
✔ Open email attachments, edit, and reply-all or forward documents as easily as you do on your PC
✔ Even more...
★ Be sure to watch the demo video and email for help!!! ★
More reasons why customers LOVE AlwaysOnPC:
➤ Super fast opening online files: AlwaysOnPC gives you “cloud power” for attachments & Online/Web downloaded docs: open huge Office docs, PDFs, images in seconds – even on 3G -- up to ten times faster than other apps!
➤ Copy and paste between Office applications and the photo editor, drawing program, email and more
➤ Included storage: 2 GB of online disk space to store your files
➤ Easy online storage access:DropBox is pre-installed (Access other vendors via FireFox)
➤ Open multiple windows, tabs & apps at once
➤ Import & sync bookmarks and passwords with browser add-ons like Xmarks
➤ Install your favorite FireFox Add-ons like Xmarks or AdblockPlus, or toolbars like Yahoo! or Google
➤ Maximum security: Connections are fully encrypted for your security
Note: The app does not yet support audio or full-motion video – these improvements are coming soon!
See a video of this App in action here:
Note:App requires Android 2.0 or higher
Requires an active 3G or WiFi network connection to run
You can try a simulator of this app for free from your PC/Mac - visit our website
★ New! Verizon Customers can charge to your Wireless bill. Just search the VCast Apps store for AlwaysOnPC ★
Runescape fix: Run in "Safe mode" graphics - Press the "s" key during "Checking for updates"
Download Instructions:
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